current edition

Current Issue of Wagon Wheels

The ambrotype photograph of William Henry Williams and wife Sarah Cary Williams was taken by one of the Robert H. Vance Studios, circa 1860. Photographs from these studios would have Vance’s name stamped on their brass mats or imprinted onto the velvet pad on the inside of the cases. The quarter plate ambrotype measures 3 1/4″ x 4 1/4″ and is in the collection of the author.  ~Courtesy Sean William Nolan

Subject Indexes for Wagon Wheels

If you are doing research on, or looking for relatives who possibly resided in, Colusi County, then you might consider purchasing or viewing one of the Wagon Wheels Indexes. The documents are full name and subject indexes for all issues of Wagon Wheels.

Indexes 1 and 2 represent the period of 1954 – 2004, and are available for purchase only in hard copy format ($15 each). 

Indexes 3 – 5 represent the period of 2005 to present, are complimentary searchable files, and available online:

Search online by clicking below

Mini Subject Indexes for Wagon Wheels

Abbreviated indexes of Wagon Wheels list ONLY major topics of articles that have appeared in Wagon Wheels since the very first issue in 1951.  The Mini-Index can also be used as a searchable check sheet if one is collecting all back issues of Wagon Wheels.

Mini-Indexes 1 – 2 represent the period of 1951 through 2023, are complimentary searchable files, and are available online:

Wagon Wheels is a semi-annual publication of the Colusi County Historical Society. If you are interested in submitting an article for publication, the deadlines are as follows:

Spring Deadline: March 1st

Fall Deadline: August 1st

If you have questions about ordering Wagon Wheels back issues, indexes, or submitting an article for publication, please contact the Editor, Dr. Gene Russell.